Monday, 15 October 2007

Beginner Bonsai Plants

By Emma Castille

Way to go! You have decided to try your hand at Bonsai plants. While the whole concept does seem rather intimidating there are a few keys to help your succeed. Find a good basic guide to the care of the Bonsai either at your local library, bookstore, or online. When purchasing your Bonsai do not go to the garden superstore for your tree. Many of these Bonsai have been sitting on the shelves uncared for and will die fairly quickly. Look for a Bonsai club in your town and contact them for the best place to make a purchase. Or, you might be able to find a garden store that specializes in Bonsai. Finally it is best to choose a Bonsai that is fairly easy to care for so it will boost your confidence. Below is a list of trees you might want to try!

Juniper – When you visualize a Bonsai in your head this is usually the tree you see. These plants are very hardy. In addition you can treat them fairly roughly with pruning and they will bounce back. This is a slow growing conifer that prefers full sun to semi-shade. Fertilize once or twice a month from spring through to fall. Because this tree is fairly slow growing so you will only need to repot every three years or so. Juniper appears to be the best beginners plant for those in the Northern Hemisphere.

Chinese Elm- This is another very hardy and forgiving Bonsai tree. It can handle neglect and still manage to bounce back. You can prune it heavily, water it inconsistently & use poor soil in the pot and it will still flourish. In addition they are a fast grower so if you are a bit impatient this might be the best choice for you!

Ficus – This plant is very popular with beginners in Australia and Asia. They are a tropical plant that prefers a tropical climate. However, they too will withstand much abuse and neglect and spring right back. It does well inside under low light. An irregular watering schedule is acceptable to the Ficus. In addition it is a fast grow and the branches bend easily for shaping.

The aforementioned Bonsai trees are probably the top 3 choices for beginners. It is a good idea to start with one of these little guys before moving on to a harder to maintain Bonsai. However, if you do not wish to begin on any of these plants here are a few honorable mentions you might wish to try.

Azalea – The fun aspect of this Bonsai tree is the flowering in mid-winter or spring (depending on your location). They are self-seeding and grow quite rapidly. In addition the branches are malleable and easy to shape.

Boxwood – There are numerous species of Boxwood you might wish to try. The Kingsville Dwarf is a good choice for a beginner. It is slow growing so will require some patience. It does best in partial shade and likes a fertilizer with a 10/15/10 balance.

Trident Maple- This Bonsai tree is a little more difficult to grow for a beginner. However if you like a challenge right from the start this might be the plant for you. This deciduous tree prefers full sun or partial shade. This plant will not respond to underwatering very well so care must be taken not to let the roots dry out. Fertilize only during the growing season.

Japanese Snowdrop – This is a very elegant looking little tree that is suitable for beginners. It is deciduous with fairly large leaves. In fall the leaf edges will turn red or yellow and fragrant white flowers will appear. Use a water soluble fertilizer and never allow this plant to dry out completely.

All of the Bonsai plants listed above are able to withstand some abuse and neglect. In addition they are all fairly forgiving and will become amazing healthy Bonsai with a little patience and care.

Did you know there are over 300 varieties of Bonsai to choose from? I've narrowed down my favorites to 15. Check out my Bonsai Tree Gallery and growing video collection to learn more about this fascinating hobby!

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