The More or Less Organic Gardener ( Home and Garden )
By Kenneth Lundeen
Afraid to take the plunge into organic gardening? How about dipping a toe in?
I'm serious. I believe strongly in organic gardening for all the right reasons - healthier, better tasting vegetables and fruits, no danger of residual pesticides, no worries about how many times it has been handled in the grocery store, and last but not least -- no cloned foods. I can't say cloned food is dangerous, nor can I say it's safe. In another five years, after testing on 100 million human guinea pigs, I might even try it.
( Home and Garden )
In the meantime, although I can't go wholly organic because I can't grow EVERYTHING in my own garden, I will be moving in that direction. I haven't got a big pile of natural compost and soil that is guaranteed chemical fertilizer and pesticide free -- yet!
However, this summer I will be buying or producing some organic compost, planting some organic vegetable seeds, and hopefully harvesting some organic tomatoes, potatoes, corn, green beans, beets, and lettuce. Not a lot -- I only have my wife and me to worry about. We will still be eating a lot of items from the local grocery store and we will still be eating out from time to time - restaurants are not going organic yet for the most part.
Eating organically is a lot like exercise - you don't have to go whole hog to benefit from it. A half mile walk is not as good as a five mile run, but it still beats being a couch potato. Having organically grown salads and veggies does not have the health benefits of a total organic diet from asparagus to zucchini, but it sure beats soft drinks and Hostess Twinkies!
( Home and Garden )
So, I am a more or less organic gardener this year. Each year I plan to make it shift closer to the "more" side, but I will not feel that I'm a hypocrite because I can't be totally submerged in it right away. I'm still among the working class and even if I wasn't, I like eating out now and then and I am NOT going to bring my own produce into the restaurant and ask them to cook it up for me.
I will grow six organic vegetables this year - maybe next year it will be twelve. I will be eating healthy most of the time and if one morning I decide to have a stack of waffles made with Bisquick, slathered with Land O' Lakes butter and soaked in Mrs. Butterworth syrup, my well-balanced conscience will not trouble me a bit.
Yes, a full glass is better than a half, but a half is better than none. Is organic gardening for you? If you can't dive in right away, join me in dipping a toe in to test the water, then wading slowly and carefully toward the deep end!
( Home and Garden )
Ken Lundeen is a More or Less Organic Gardener and enjoying it! Learn more about organic gardening by checking out organic gardening videos at
Article Source:
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Less Organic Gardener( Home and Garden )
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Relax place.

Small pond and small garden aroud it.
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